Dried Fig
Fig is one of the first cultural fruits in Anatolia with a history as much as human history. From Turkey to Syria and Palestine, after the Middle East through the spread to China and India. In our country, fig found the most suitable growing conditions in the Big and Small Menderes Basins in the Aegean Region and showed the most diversity in these regions. Fig is a very valuable fruit in that its content is higher than many other fruit types, especially rich in fiber, mineral and polyphenol content, and does not contain sodium, fat and cholesterol.
Dried figs are defined as figs offered for consumption after natural drying processes. Dried figs are among the dried fruits that have a large share in terms of production in the world due to their rich sugar ratio, amino acids, carotene, thiamine and low oil content together with various minerals.
After the dried fig fruit is harvested on the tree by falling on the soil surface by itself, it is kept at a certain humidity level without losing any of its content, and it is made by drying the figs in natural conditions by laying them on wooden or plastic crayons.
Our company has made it a mission to host these 100% organic products away from chemical, soluble and inorganic substances such as protection of consumer health, drugs, fertilizers, growth regulators and hormones, which organic production aims at, as in all other organic products it owns, to the tables of our valued consumers.